We have been a strategic software development partner for Postimees for many years. Our partnership started with developing supporting products for their platform and over time have moved to managing the core services.
Postimees is the largest media corporation in the Baltics, as well as the only one to combine both printed and electronic media in Estonia.
The news platform of Postimees consists of many different news portals through the Baltic states like postimees.ee, elu24.ee, tvnet.lv, apollo.lv and many more. Postimees, as the whole platform, is the most visited website in Estonia.
We have also built several enterprise tools for Postimees Group for their internal use starting from advertisement management software and ending with financial management and budgeting tool for the entire corporation.
Outl1ne OÜ viib perioodil 01.12.2023-31.12.2024 ellu tootearendusprojekti „Tehisintellektiga andmerikastamise platvorm e-kaubandusele (2021-2027.1.01.23-0382)“, millele eraldas Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond toetust 218 110,95 eurot. Projekti eesmärgiks ja oodatavaks tulemuseks on välja arendada andmerikastamise platvorm e-kaubandusele.